It’s Monday!!!! Back to work all you Monday-Friday people! For meeee I work tonight and tomorrow night, and then I’m off for 2 days. But I’m not really off because I’ve got a house to pack.

First order of business. Sign up for my 10 minute trainer challenge! You know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it… the uncool kids too, because they know they will be epic after the three month program. I need everyone to sign up before the 20th to make sure the program is at their house and they’ve picked out which eating plan they want to follow (I’m doing the lower carb NOT NO CARB… because carbs make me happy… plan) before July 1st because we WILL start without you, slacker.

Now onto the challenge!

Remember when we were little and we had those big wheel tricycles?

Well I came across this today


and then I laughed and looked up “bring your own big wheel race” and found


to which I have been laughing for about 20 minutes.

The majority of those people are just adults having fun being kids again.

So my challenge to you today is

– Eat jello filled with fruit, just the way our sneaky moms used to get us to eat fruit


– Be a kid again. Race the wind on your bike. Find a playground and race down slides. Invite your friends over for a game of red rover. Make score cards and see who can do the best cannonball. Heaven forbid we play a little freeze tag. This is a great way for you to get your friends and family involved. And if you don’t have anyone that you want to do stuff with… RIDE THAT BIKE LIKE A SUPERHERO, YO! “But its Monday”… I don’t care! Did you wait for the weekend as a kid or did you live life every day? That’s what I thought. NOW GET OUT THERE!

Now I leave you with this