Tag Archive: vacation

I hope everyone’s fourth of July went well. If you’re not in the United States, I still hope it went well and got to see something spectacular like fireworks anyways. I heard the Chinese New Year puts any of our celebrations to shame so you can gloat on me that entire month.

Yesterday I took the kiddos to Oaks Park. It’s an amusement part next to the river that was actually pretty fun. The rides were very state fair-ish but the whole thing was fun… oh how I miss Six Flags. But we did have a great time.

I am a huge thrill seeker when it comes to my rides. If my hair isn’t messed up by the end of it, I didn’t have fun. Two years ago I couldn’t even get my kids on a mini drop ride. This year, one of my kids was all for the spinning and bouncing and woohooing. But the other kid… not so much. He was almost too scared to go on the kids spinning teacup kind of ride. So when my thrill seeker mini asked to go on a ride that spun alternating directions and bounced higher than a two story house, I knew as a mom, I honestly couldn’t force the other kid to get on. We asked, he said no. I said it was just like the first spinny ride but it bounced high… he said no. I wasn’t going to make my kid cry so I said “You know bug, sometimes you have to face your fears to realize you had nothing to worry about. But if you’re too scared right now, I’m not going to make you get on it.” Full House Danny Tanny sappy music was playing for this parental speech by the way, followed by an awwwwwww from the audience. Just kidding. I think Free Falling was playing in the background on the Screaming Eagle ride to be honest. But needless to say, thrill seeker, who had already jumped in line for the spider and was jumping up and down waving for us to come over, was crushed we weren’t going on.

Something I love about my kids is that they protect each other. They feel each other’s pain. When one is sent to his room, the other worries about him the entire time. They bicker like all kids and there are times you’d think they hated each other. But when you get to the heart of it, they’d die to save the other one if they had to. We walked to the other side of the park. Sadly it was all thrill rides and we had already done all the kid rides. I was about to tell the boys we’d go do the kid rides again, but then my kid who isn’t into thrill rides suprised me. He said… word for word… in the goofy style that he’s known for… “Well I guess I gotta face a fear. To the spider!” and started running back towards where the spider was. It was a proud mama moment.

In the line, he faced about 30 changes of heart. It didn’t help that adults were getting freaked out in line and leaving.  I kept telling him we’d stay in line and if we got to the front and he didn’t want to go on, we’d head straight for the exit, but I also said if he faced his fear he would be really proud of himself. We got to the front of the line. He didn’t panic. We got on the ride. He didn’t panic. The ride started moving and I could literally FEEL him shaking next to me. I had a safety bar crushing the air out of me so I couldn’t exactly move to console my kid.

First the car started spinning. I looked over at him and he looked almost puzzled. After the first bounce, I could see a grin. Second bounce, he laughed. Third bounce, he was cheering with his brother. As a mom, of course I was about to start crying like a baby at how proud I was of my kid. But then the nausea kind of crept in from all the spinning. In the 2 minute long ride my NEW thrill seeker was cracking jokes about being Tigger and doing the “Hoo hoo hoooooo” with a few of the bounces. They he said we were Xtreme pogo sticking. The kid was going crazy over this ride. And the previous thrill seeker was laughing and giggling but also pale and extremely nautious like I was.

Right after the ride, my kid who faced his fear wanted to go on it AGAIN! His brother and I… wanted to vomit.

Moral of the story- Don’t share a gatorade with your thrill seeker son right before a spinny bouncy ride. The person who doesn’t drink will have the most fun. Drinking and riding is bad mmmkay.

Bigger moral of the story- Face your fears. If the statistics are in your favor that it’s not going to kill you, and isn’t bad for your health,why not try it?

Your challenge for the day is to think about facing/face a fitness fear. If you’re afraid of a group exercise class but really interested in what the class is… seek one out and give it a try. If you want to try to water ski… put together a group and go. If you want to wear spandex and don’t want to be giggled at for the wobble wobble of your butt… who cares? Shake it till you make it. Afraid your family won’t like your new healthier version of lasagna? They can make a sandwich. They’ll be ok. Try it anyways. Want a friend to come exercise with you but afraid they’ll turn you down? The worst thing they can do is say no, right?

I’m going to follow through with this one also. I have avoided getting a speaker system to teach Hip Hop Hustle at my apartments like they’re going to make me battle zombies in the process. I know I can do a warmup. Why not be the actual leader of the class? I can do this! I’m going to have hubby take me TODAY to go pick out something that will play the music and learn how to yell over it.

Feel that adrenaline pumping? Run with it. Work yourself up. Get excited. Be a nine year old kid with his fist held high and charge towards the Spider.

But not like this guy…

imageBehind my kids is Multnomah falls, a place that has become my new favorite destination. It’s actually about an hour from my house near Cascade Locks, Oregon. The falls actually contains a few huge falls and hundreds of mini ones.  When we first found this place we had stopped at Horsetail falls on our way into Oregon. I had mentioned it in a previous blog where I asked you guys to get out and explore. Well, I’m hoping that this post encourages you to get out and find places you have not yet adventured to.

image This is much higer up on the bridge you see in the first picture. It’s about an 8th of a mile through a congrete path to get up here.

image After you pass the bridge, there is a concrete path that takes up up 11 switchbacks a mile up the mountain. This is about a half mile up, looking back at the Columbian River that is right behind you this whole part of the hike. Take note, there are no rails. So if you have small kids or animals that tend to not watch where they’re going, hold on tight or don’t go at all. I don’t think a drop from this side would kill them because the next switchback down would catch them, but they go high enough to hurt them and make it hard to get to them.

imageA little past a mile up, right before you see the sign for 11 out of 11 switchbacks, the pavement ends. The path starts to go down towards a river with a bridge over it. Of course the first thing my kids saw was the other kids playing in the freezing cold water… Ok, freezing cold to me.

image They apparently loved it enough to sit down in the water.  Behind me is a fallen tree that the kids were using as a bridge over the water. I had taken a video of it and a few more paths that took off from this area but the video wouldn’t upload. Unfortunately my kids are just as clumbsy as I am and would have fallen off the tree, so they didn’t get to go across.

image If you keep following this path, it goes an extra 5 miles over rocky dirt, leads to a different large fall, and then you hike .3 miles back to Multnomah. With an untrained dog and two 9 year olds who are drenched in cold water, we weren’t going to go the whole hike around. At this point we were 2 miles in. If you look behind the boys, there is a mini fall. This literally goes for over a mile of watching river, drop, river, drop, river drop. The path is extremely uneven and only wide enough for 2 people, but very worth it.

imageAnother half mile in is a path carved into the rock. Above you is all rock, so it’s like half of a cave. I was told by another hiker that people will wait under there on rainy days and the rain comes off like a waterfall in front of you. I thought it was amazing even without the waterfall over us. It had started raining (not hard enough to make the waterfall over the cave) so I couldn’t take pictures past this. A little past us was the large waterfall that makes this whole part of the river. Around it was a beautiful swimming pool (not the kind in a backyard but calm even water around where the fall hits down). At a little past 3 miles in, I told my kids it was time to head back. It was 5 in the afternoon, we didn’t know the path, and I had promised them fudge in the little villiage around Multnomah, so we weren’t going to be able to get around the whole path. And that path is only one of dozens for people to take. You could spend a week in this area and still not cover all the paths. I loved it. The webpage on it says crowded, but honestly, that’s just around the main falls that you can get to by car. We passed tons of families or groups going up and down the path in the concrete part but it wasn’t a steady incoming of them. It was like maybe one or two groups per switchback. When you head into the dirt and rock path, it’s rare to cross anyone.

imageIf you can see in the middle, there is a border collie with a pink collar. That’s Sasha, our dog. She was actually the first to pass out in the car. We hadn’t even made it a mile down the highway. The boys passed out right after her. This hike is exhausting, but so worth it.

So your challenge, again, is to find something that nature has put out there for you to enjoy. It could be a lake, it could be a path around cactus. My dad loves the hikes in the hottest parts of Arizona. We did a 10 mile last summer through Southmountain that I will never forget. I don’t care about the heat or the rain. Get out there and explore. Nature is too beautiful to ignore. If it’s an hour or more away, plan to do it on your off day and spend half the day there. Make a mini vacation out of it.


The trip to Portland was uber wonderful. I never want to be in a car again (4,000 miles if you put together the drive up and the return trip ughhhh).  In fact, I think my car starts to shake and cry every time we get near it.

My eating was horrible! I know I know I know! Before I left I was all like “I’m going to prove I can do this trip and eat well!!!!” Didn’t happen. I don’t know how to make up for it with apologies other than saying the diet will change now.

It has to.

My stomach has never hurt this bad since I started eating better a year and a half ago. It literally hates me right now. My headaches are back. I’m cranky again. I don’t feel like myself.

So why did I eat bad? BECAUSE PORTLAND FOOD IS SO FRIGGIN TASTY! And expensive if you eat out.

So it’s a good thing we’ll be on a budget!!! And we found an apartment less than a half mile from a really good grocery store so I can make good choices daily and get fresh food.

Back to the good for me choices!

Aaaaand onto the main topic of this blog.Oregon is like the royalty of fitness!

FOAM 5K. How awesome does that sound? Admit it, you want to go.

Here’s the linky linky to the one I’m talking about.

I’m going to do everything I can to afford to go to this but I doubt it’s going to happen. I would have to take my kids with me too since we don’t know anyone there yet, and that’s 135$ all together. Not happening. But it does give me a good idea on what I’m looking forward to in Oregon.

There are hiking/running/scenic trails everywhere! EVERYWHERE. People walk because it’s always nice outside, even when it’s raining. There’s kayaking, mountain biking, hills to roll down, waterfalls to swim in. Is there really even a reason to have a place to live? Seriously, I would camp out happily there.

Of course people drive out there, but I’m almost wondering if you have to be an asshat to have a car there because people honk without thinking there. It’s not like an all the time thing. I probably heard like 6 honks while I was there, but each time I was like “What the frigg did the guy in front of you do wrong?” Insanity I tell you. Almost as cranky as California drivers. Yes I just went there. So if I want to avoid the car but still get someplace across town or all the way out to Gresham, they have the MAX rail lines and a public bus system. I haven’t had a public bus system since I lived in Arizona, and even in Arizona, theirs  took forever because of the bus to bus thing. They didn’t have a train rail thingy.

It’s like people there have realized they have these things called feet. GENIUSES! And when it’s too far for their feet, they use a public transport to not kill the community… SUPER GENIUSES!

I’ve already used the word uber in this blog but here it goes again. I’M SO FRAGGALICIOUSLY UBERDUBEROUSLY EXCITED about this move.

BEAVERTON OREGON, HERE WE COME!…. (in a few weeks. We still have to pack up and move and all that loverly stuff.)

And now for pics—

The drive into Portland, the clouds were rolling off the mountainside.

The walk in downtown by the river has a little carnival thingy. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!

Finally a city that understands trees are cool and you don’t have to tear them all down. Gotta love the crack in my windshield.

And this would be my drive into the city every day 🙂

We stopped at a Fresh Grill… yet another place with tons of Vegetarian and gluten free choices.

The columbian River on the way in.

I have about a billion more pics I want to share but apparently I’m not allowed to share them all? Ughhh wordpress I love you and want to smack you at the same time somedays. BUT MOSTLY I lubb you.

Have a great day everyone!!!

I’m going to do this almost daily. Of course I do this right before a vacation where I most likely won’t be able to write for a few days at a time, but I’m going to do my best at this.

Mostly I just really want to cover food and exercise. Many days you will also see what’s going on in my daily life because I feel that your life experiences also serve a huge part in whether or not you will be successful in fitness that day.

We’re about to go on “vacation”. My kids are going to Colorado to stay with grandma for a month and my husband and I are going to spend the week in Oregon looking for an apartment. Then we’re coming back to Texas to finish packing. I can promise you now, I will be admitting to a few days of stress eating. This will be the longest I have been without my kids and as of right now, I do not have a job to go to in Oregon after we move. I may be a stay at home mom this summer, which I enjoy working so that may be hard. But keeping a daily journal has always helped in the past so we’ll see how far this train goes.

Today is day 2 of my sugar detox. So far so good. Day one 1 had a slice of pizza (tons of sugars in sauce and bread) but that’s been the only downfall.

Since we head up to drop off the kids in Colorado on Thurs and then spend the rest of the week in Oregon I’m not going grocery shopping this week other than fruits and veggies and kids lunches (mostly shopping at Braums). Cleaning out the cabinets it is! I’m not good at wasting food. It actually makes me nervous. So this is fun for me… not so much for the family. Of course the next two nights I will be taking the kids wherever they want to go for dinner due to the fact that they are not coming back to Texas after Thurs. But I promise I can prove you can do a sugar detox even off of a menu. Last night we ended up have a QT gas station dinner lol. I needed milk and gas, they wanted hot dogs, it was a go. I ended up grabbing a premade chicken and tomato sandwich on whole grain bread with no added mayo or dressing other than mustard, a pickle, and a cheese stick. My favorite part was the pickle. Did you know theres only a third of the sodium in a huge pickle in a bag of pickle juice from a convenience store than there is in a average lean cuisine? (Pickle 390mg, lean cuisine 1200-1400mg, thats not cool yo)

This morning I had fruit for breakfast (I eat breakfast at work so that’s usually what I have every day for breakfast). 2 apples and an orange.(217 cal)

Unfortunately I had to get up early today. Mom duty called and I had to take some paperwork to the boys school. That put me up a few hours earlier than expected which means I will be tired all day. That usually means sugar cravings out the wazoo. First thing I had was my shakeology. That will help a ton with it. (150 cal)

When I got home I did tai Cheng because my back is killing me. I may only be doing tai Cheng this week because I need to help the boys pack instead of going to my groupX classes. If I have time tonight I might throw in a hustle and practice my cuing.(-150 cal)

After tai Cheng I ate a huge thing of spring mix salad, hummus (2 tbsp), and 4 slices of lunch meat turkey. The turkey has extra sugars(it has cultured corn sugar and brown sugar). You have to watch lunch meats. But I really wanted to wrap my salad in something like a burrito and 4 slices of lunch meat will most likely not cause me to go into an M&M rage since it’s grams of sugars isn’t even on the product label. But they’re still there, so if I start having trouble with the sugar detox, I know they have to go fully.(155 cal)

Here’s my spread. You see the shakeology cup in it because I had some left to drink. And the raw vitamins in the back are because I’m on my “week” and extra vitamins make it easier on me. Yes, you will get info like that in my daily blogs. I’m an open book. Periods suck. And yes my desk is a mess. I’m focusing on the rest of the house right now.

I laid out 4 pieces of lunch meat, used a fork to spread a half tbsp of hummus on each of them (when you get used to measuring out food, the easier it will be to eye out what a tablespoon or half tablespoon looks like), then used them like Indian bread to grab a bunch of spring mix with. Ghetto, I know, but no one was watching, no one cares.

So if you’re looking at my calories right now, I’m over halfway through my day at 522 calories eaten and 150 calories burned, which puts me at a net of 372 calories. I really need to be around a net of at least 1200 calories at the end of the day so I should be at least at 700 cal right now. So this is actually pretty bad. I need to pace myself better during the day. While it sounds sane to say I could just eat a big dinner, that’s now how the body works. It needs that energy THROUGHOUT the day. That means snacking regularly through the day and eating those calories in equal proportions through the day so that it can draw from that not only at night and not only at dinner.

So thats where I am right now 🙂

There are two things that make me binge.
1. I’m under a lot of stress or pressure and don’t know how to talk to people about it or I’m embarrassed about the situation.
2. I’m absolutely exhausted and can’t/refuse to sleep. (What I’m talking about today)

Welcome to working motherhood.
Some days I feel like Jesse Spano in the “Give me my pills!” episode of Saved by the Bell. Not the part where she’s singing the I’m so excited song. I hate that song. The part where she’s saying “There’s never any time, no time!” and then fixing that by doing something stupid. In my case, it’s refusing to sleep.

So what do I do instead of sleep? You would think it would be the things I want to get done but nooooooooo, it’s always watching movies. That’s all I have energy for when I don’t sleep. But you know what? I’M NOT SLEEPING AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD! That’s literally the little pity party I throw in my head.

I have a lot of resolutions to make in my life. The easy thing would be to prioritize them and do what I can. That’s easy to say but not to do.

I want to spend

an hour a day just hanging out with my kids. (1 hr)

an hour a day cleaning my house and getting it ready for the move (2 hr)

an hour at the gym for dance class (3hr) (4hr with driving)

an hour practicing my instructing (5hr)

an hour working on my book or blog(6hr)

make a good dinner and eat with the family (7hr)

spend an hour with Josh (8hr)

Even with a job and getting enough sleep I should have enough time, right? Wrong. Add in the time it takes to get ready for work and get to work, the half hour lunch I’m required to take at work, the time to drive home from work, the time it takes to wind down from work, the 20 times a day I’m woken up because I sleep during the day because of work, or the insomnia I get from working nights.Then add in the time it takes to resolve issues with your kids or things that get in the way when I do actually start to clean or write.

One thing has to go and it’s always sleep. But that leaves me tired from lack of sleep. So what do I do with my time? The easy stuff.


an hour a day just hanging out with my kids… and frequently check facebook (1 hr)

Cleaning wash dishes required for dinner and facebook time(2 hr)

an hour at the gym for dance class (3hr) (4hr with driving)

practicing my instructing  facebook time (5.5hr)


an hour  half hour working on my book or blog(6hr)

make a good dinner and eat with the family (7hr)

spend an hour half hour with Josh because thats all the time we have left before I need to get ready for work(8hr)

run out the door screaming “Oh crap I’m late for work!” (late for work hr)

While it sounds like facebook is the culprit, it’s really not. It’s just what I have energy left for. You try 6 years of broken sleep and feel like cleaning a house.

Then I try to make up for it on Wednesday by saying “I’ll only sleep 3 hours so I’ll actually be tired tonight (it’s my off night) and I can get stuff done on my list of things to do”. Play the fail music because that never happens! Instead I get the boys to school, set my alarm, lay down, crash till my alarm goes off at noon, glare at alarm, utter cuss word, go back to sleep.

So how does this make me binge?

Every now and then I get this urge on a Wednesday to get stuff done. “TODAY WILL BE THE DAY!” is all that goes through my head. Since I get off at 6, I’ll stop and get the boys some breakfast… end up getting myself some too because I’m tired and my body screams for food. When I get them to school I’ll sit down with my shake and a banana and relax before I get stuff done. Find something on the internet I just HAVE to watch. Grab a snack. Watch the thing. Find a link on that that I have to watch. Grab a snack. Watch the link. Josh will wake up and ask why I’m still up. I’ll say I’m going to bed. I’ll go to sleep. As usual, something will wake me up within a few hours. I’ll get up intent on getting stuff done since I’m already up. Grab a snack. Sit down for a second. Fall asleep till my alarm goes off to get the kids. Utter cuss word. Get the kids. Grab a snack. Help them with their homework. Grab a snack. Head off to Southlake for my hip hop class and grab them dinner on the way. Get myself some dinner too because I’m starving even though I’ve done nothing but eat and sleep. Go to dance class. Find an excuse to get a snack on the way home. Snack until Josh gets home. Go to bed.

For those of you who don’t know, that’s called grazing. Yah, just like cows. It’s what a binger does to make themselves feel better when their body is not able to function the way they want it to. Why is mine not functioning? Because I decided not to sleep that day. So to make up for that lack of energy and my feeling of blah, my mind tells me that I’m starving. I will literally get hunger pains and get sick to my stomach if I don’t eat.

And heaven forbid something comes up where I can’t go to hip hop. Instead of a quick bite to eat, I’ll take my kids somewhere to get food and order enough food that I have to make up a story on why I need food for at least one more person to make myself not look as pathetic as I feel.

Let me give you an example of one of those wednesdays… Yesterday

Got off work. Decided to get my kids donuts. Got myself 2. Got kids to school. Sat down with a starcrunch, watched half a movie. Saw another movie in the side bar. Clicked on that one. Grabbed a protein bar. Watched that movie. Josh got up and asked why I was still up. I went to bed. Guy selling meat knocked on the door 2 hours later. He wouldn’t stop knocking so I got up. I told him we’re vegetarians even though I love cow. I decided to stay up and clean the living room but I needed to eat first. Made a sandwich. Sat on couch to eat the sandwich. Fell asleep. Dog ate sandwich. Woke up to my alarm. Got kids from school. Made a protein shake. Ate an oatmeal bar. Got stuck helping kids with homework till it was too late to go to class. They were frustrated with me because I kept falling asleep while helping them. Took them out to Jack in the Box to apologize. Let them get whatever they wanted so I got whatever I wanted AND whatever my imaginary friend wanted. Watched a movie with them. Put them to bed. Sat down with a wine cooler and two starcrunch. Went to bed with Josh. Woke up still exhausted. Instead of going back to bed for an hour, I decided to blog about my little days of insanity, blog has now taken me over an hour to write.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.- Albert Einstein.

I’m sorry, but a man who can’t tie his shoe does not get to categorize me as insane. While it actually does, I’m going to refuse that this quote refers to people like me. So I’m going to give you an excuse and you’re going to believe it…

I keep doing this because I’m hoping the next time I will be able to stay up and get everything done and have ONE day that actually goes to plan. I can be the working June Beaver. I can keep the house clean, the kids and the husband happy, bring in an income, and still work on my own goals, can’t I? Don’t answer that. We all already know the answer. I’m just not satisfied with that answer.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s been over an hour since I checked facebook…